Wednesday, October 20, 2004

When it rains it fucking pours

1. I got offered a job as a research assistant/editor on campus today.
Pro: excellent experience; contract lasts until the end of the school year
Con: I would likely only be paid for five hours a week, but often expected to commit much more time than that; pay most likely sucks

2. I have a job interview at Bentley on Friday at noon.
Pro: all the hours I can handle at least until after Christmas; a good excuse to avoid visiting my family for more than two days over the holidays
Con: working at the mall; pay definitely sucks

There you have it.

Pretty sure I'm going to take the research assistant job, if for no other reason than that it shouldn't even have been offered to me given my abysmal GPA. Also it's good to have experience doing something that isn't customer-service related and I'd get to have an office to work in. And you can't argue with an office. Even if it doesn't have any windows.


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