Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Pink Slips A-Plenty!

Nackawick, New Brunswick is a small town about 65km west of where I live. It's home to the world's largest axe. Seriously, you can't make that kind of stuff up:

However, as of yesterday, Nackawick is also home to 400 laid off pulp mill workers. Another way to put it is to say that nearly half the town's population is now out of work. And they're understandably pissed.

So pissed, in fact, that as I type this the workers are illegally occupying the plant and ain't goin' nowhere until they get answers from the owners (New York-based Parsons & Whittemore, a company who posted revenues of over a billion dollars US in 2002) as to why the mill was closed without warning. And good on them, I say. Cue Rage Against the Machine's "Take the Power Back"...

Cross-posted at Sick, Sad World.


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