Monday, September 20, 2004

'Cause I Got Kat Class and I Got Kat Style

There's a new coffee shop open downtown called Alley Katz Cafe with a nondescript "Help Wanted" sign in the window. It's in the Storefront Space of Death underneath the Taproom and next to the Crapital... there's a new restaurant or cafe in there every 6 months it seems. A few years ago there was an awesome Mexican take-out place there called Margaritas, but it didn't last long. Personally I think it's because they closed too early to catch the hungry post-Sweetwaters and Rockin' Rodeo crowd that Samba Brazil relies on. Anyway, they had the best guacamole and homemade corn chips EVER.

I think I'll go check out this Alley Katz place tomorrow morning. Perhaps they, unlike Starbucks and Second Cup, will be impressed with my previous coffee-slinging experience.


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