Thursday, September 09, 2004

Just to clarify...

School is go. Not surprisingly, the courses I want are full, to that means I have to go to class tomorrow and grovel in order to be allowed in. Hopefully that will work, as my tentative schedule is such that I don't have class at all on Tuesday and Thursday, so I will continue looking for a part-time job. Also my former thesis advisor has offered to do an independent study with me, which basically means meeting with her once a week, reading whatever I want, and writing agreed-upon papers. Sweeeet.

As for job hunting, I'm really not sure where else I can apply. My former advisor said she would make some phone calls to her contacts in government and various not-for-profit groups to see about finding me some clerical work, but I'm not sure what else to do if that doesn't work out. There's a couple more coffee shops downtown that I could apply to... Coffee & Company and Reid's News Stand, respectively. Reid's fucking rules, I love that place. They consistently carry magazines like Broken Pencil and Bust, along with a small number of zines and indie comix. Rock! I may also apply at The Body Shop up in the mall, but mainly so I can get the employee discount.

And I suppose I can always check out jobs with the university... *shudder*


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