Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Now hiring female escorts

Here's some more new jobs posted on HRDC since I looked last: truck owner/operator; mechanical engineer; cashier (at the Mail N' Mart, that place that used to get robbed all the time!); counter atendant - food service; cashier - customer service (at Pets Unlimited... hmmmm... isn't that the store currently facing a sexual discrimination lawsuit?).

New today from my friends at Monster.ca: Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative/Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program Coordinator; Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Coordinator; Clinical Dietician; Territorial Coordinator, Community Wellness Programs; Condominium Coordinator. Oh wait, despite the fact that I swearched for jobs in Fredericton, all of these are in fucking Iqaluit!

Then I looked at the classifieds in my local paper. There were two ads from "escort services" looking to hire "new ladies". My boyfriend gets pissy when I fuck other people but if it weren't for that, I would seriously consider it. Hey, at least then I wouldn't have to "work" more than a few hours a week and could still pay rent.


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